City Park and NOMA Sculpture Garden, New Orleans

After finishing up at the World War II Museum, I still had energy to do something else. I wanted to see the New Orleans Museum of Art, but it was closing early that day. So instead I visited the recently reopened Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden that is located on the NOMA grounds inside City Park, a huge public park in New Orleans.

I wanted to visit City Park anyway and ride my hand bike around, which is exactly what I did. The park is beautiful and some of the outdoor artwork is amazing. They make great use incorporating the art into the lakes and canals present in City Park.

On my way to City Park.
Lake area where I parked and you can rent bikes, boats, etc. Also lots of ducks (ducks are not for rent).
Aqua seafoam mural.
Bear made of metal.
Loved this transparent walkway over the canal. Great use of transparency and reflection that invokes the DNA double helix in my mind.
Man riding a snail
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Digital donation box. Thought this was a neat idea.
Ducks unlimited.

Author: Adam

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