Cleveland, Ohiooooo

I’m finally getting time to write about my summer trip to Cleveland and Buffalo. I had a marvelous time! I was able to rearrange my trip to drop my rental car off in Buffalo and fly directly home to Orlando. This saved me a lot of time and stress by not having to drive back to Cleveland first and then take an indirect flight home.

I did have some struggles physically boarding my flights. On my way to Cleveland I had to board one of Southwest’s 737-800‘s, their least accessible plane in their fleet. There is a much larger storage area directly to your right as you enter the plane than on other Southwest planes. This makes making a turn in a wheelchair to get close to the seats impossible for me. Instead I had to simply kneel down in front of the front row of seats and then push myself back up into the seat. Next time I will probably have the aisle chair placed in the aisle in front of the front row of seats so I can transfer to the aisle chair and then into my seat directly.

An equally bad complaint about the 737-800 is that the arm rests are completely fixed, even on the middle seat! I had an open middle seat next to me the entire trip but it didn’t matter because my body was going to be crammed into that 17 inch wide seat width. I ended up with bruised hips. This was the only direct flight to Cleveland, but my struggles boarding were worth avoiding an additional layover.

Anyway, once I arrived in Cleveland, everything went very smoothly. I landed around 8:20pm on a Saturday night and the airport was completely dead. I don’t think I saw more than one person, a janitor, in my entire walk from the gate to outside the airport. Every shop was closed. If I hadn’t known better I would have thought it was 2am. There were two rental car shuttles waiting outside the airport as soon as I exited. The shuttles were accessible, but the electric motor on the ramp didn’t work, so the driver had to manually open and close it.

I eventually got my convertible Ford Mustang rental, spent about 15 minutes installing my hand controls, and I was off into the Cleveland night. It had been over 12 years since I last drove in Cleveland, but the streets started coming back to me immediately. I went to my hotel, the same place I had stayed 12 years before, and got my room with no issues. A couple of my Cleveland friends came over late with water and snacks before I eventually fell asleep around midnight.

The next day I went to my friends’ house to meet their cats and then we went for a late lunch at the Rocky River Brewing Company. We had some local brews and I had a corn beef hash Ruben sandwich with potato pancakes instead of rye bread. This was perfect for me because I hate rye bread. It would be the first of many potato based products I would eat while in Cleveland.

Potato pancake Ruben sandwich from the Rocky River Brewing Co.

After resting a bit we decided to go watch the sunset over Lake Erie. We drove over to Bay Village and found Huntington Beach. You wouldn’t imagine much beach action in Cleveland, but you’d be wrong. The sand was popular with families on a weekday night and there was even some decent surf. The water was only 73 degrees despite the warm summer day. As the sun went down the fireflies came out and started flickering beautifully all around us.

A beautiful warm summer night at Huntington Beach near Bay Village, Ohio, on Lake Erie.

There is very nice accessible parking to directly access the beach. It is a bit hard to find while driving because there is a road that is completely dedicated to providing handicapped parking. Simply look for the sign telling you where to turn to get as close as possible to the beach.  I was able to get over the sand with assistance using my regular chair and freewheel. The sand was much denser and more stable than Florida sand making it easier to roll over even without the wide tires of my beach chair.

While everything looks warm, calm and peaceful now, I was told that winter time on Lake Erie is quite different! Cold Cleveland winter temperatures causes the water to become a frozen slush before eventually freezing completely solid. Of course the locals have a tradition of getting in the water every New Years Day. I’d consider it with my full body wet suit. Consider thinking about it at least.

After sunset we went to Mitchell’s Homemade Ice Cream where I had a tin roof sundae (Vanilla Bean ice cream, hot fudge, locally roasted Spanish peanuts, homemade whipped cream, and a Bordeaux cherry). Despite being after 10pm, Mitchell’s was rocking with a great old fashioned ice cream shop atmosphere. The place was packed, people were enjoying their delicious ice cream, the model train circled around the whole place. What a fun place to visit after a hot summer day.

Tin roof sundae from Mitchell’s Ice Cream.

The next day was a rainy morning and my friends had to work, so I went over to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame to take some pictures and do a little shopping. The Hall of Fame is right along Lake Erie and is a fun place to walk around even if you don’t want to pay to get inside the exhibits. Right next door is also the Great Lakes Science Center.

Me in front of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

After getting some souvenirs (a pen and a lighter for my collections) I went to meet up with my friends at the West Side Market, an amazing indoor marketplace selling every variety of homemade food products.

Inside the West Side Market.

I had never been to the Market before and it was a bit overwhelming the different offerings. Every kind of Eastern European dish, pierogies, meat pies, fresh seafood, salsas, hummus, fancy French desserts, and ridiculously cheap fresh product. I felt I could eat three meals a day there and never be bored. I had a couple meat & cheese potato pies along with some cinnamon crunch cookies.

Stuffed Olives at the West Side Market.
Delicious products at the West Side Market.
The house from “A Christmas Story”, otherwise in an average Cleveland neighborhood.
Russian dome architecture in Cleveland.

After a nap we headed over to Lakewood for dinner. While waiting for a table, we went to a nearby Malley’s Chocolates, a well known chain of candy stores in Cleveland, where we had some chocolate pretzels. There was some struggle finding an accessible entrance as the front door had multiple stairs and there was no sign pointing towards the ramp on the opposite side of the building. But we eventually found it.

For dinner I had possibly the tastiest tacos I’ve ever had in my life at Barrio. It was pouring rain, we had to wait over an hour, we got harassed by local weirdo standup comic Skitzobill, but it was all well worth it because, oh my gosh, those tacos were good. At the table are paper and pencils for you to fill out your custom made taco order. I had two jalapeno lime shrimp soft tacos and one Thai chili tofu soft taco, both with napa slaw, cilantro, caramelized onions, and Bario crack sauce (spicy ranch). I want more now! Damn.

After dinner I drove around Cleveland by myself and reflected on how far I’ve come in the 12 years since I was last there. When I originally went to Cleveland, it not only was the first job I ever had, but was also my first time living on my own. It was quite the leap for me, but looking back now having traveled across the country on my own many times, it all started in Cleveland.


I spent several days early this past April in the city of New Orleans, one of my favorite places in the southern United States. I stayed at an AirBnB for the first time and this was also the first time I was able to explore more of the city outside of the French Quarter and Bourbon street. Since I was visiting with two of my male friends, I was able to get assistance to visit a lot of otherwise inaccessible places. But most of all I ate some of the best meals of my entire life. I legitimately feel like you could eat three meals a day at different restaurants and spend months in New Orleans without getting bored.

Entrance to Louie Armstrong Park at night.
Entrance to Louie Armstrong Park at night.

Continue reading “Nawlins”

My first 360 degree video

I recently bought a Samsung Gear 360 camera. Got it used off Amazon for under $150. It’s not waterproof like the GoPro’s and the picture quality isn’t as nice, but other than that it’s pretty amazing technology for the price.

To test it out I attached it to a selfie stick and then strapped the selfie stick on to the front of my handcycle. It gives a nice over the head view of everything around me, but it’s not very stable and looks kind of silly. I might try some sort of clamp-on system to improve the stability.

Here’s a short handcycle trip I took around my neighborhood recently. You should be able to pan around as you play the video to see all around me. I even tried it out using my Google Cardboard headset and it looks surprisingly nice even without being formatted for a headset.

Indian River Fishing

Went fishing with my dad in the Indian River near the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. The area is gorgeous Florida at its finest. Manatees are everywhere you look and the ocean brings and endless variety of fish to catch. I’m not revealing our exact area because its relatively isolated and we’d like to keep it that way 🙂

Rode my handcycle through Hollywood Beach, Florida

Last weekend I visited Hollywood Beach, Florida. I rode my hand-cycle up and down the 3 mile (one direction) beach boardwalk on a gorgeous Saturday morning. I had never visited Hollywood Beach before, but it instantly reminded me of “The Strand” along the beaches of Los Angeles. There’s an endless parade of smoothie stands, beach shops, tiki bars, and smiling, happy people. Also Margarittaville!

There is lots of public parking at the parks that are on both ends of the boardwalk. Best of all, the beaches offer direct access from sidewalk to the sand, with no ramps, dunes or other obstacles to slow someone down. If you watch my video closely you’ll also notice a few blue colored wheelchair accessible mats going out into the sand. I didn’t get a chance to get on the beach as I was tired from my biking, but I will surely return soon.

Dania Beach Pier

Last weekend I took a trip down to Miami to see Radiohead live in concert at the American Airlines arena. The concert was amazing, it was my first time seeing Radiohead, and they put on a very OK Computer heavy setlist, which happily surprised me.

The arena itself was pretty good. Its a near clone to the new Amway Center in Orlando. Handicapped parking at the arena was NOT free like it was in Orlando, but I cannot complain about anything else. Except the traffic. Downtown Miami traffic is horrid.

On the way back from Miami I stopped by Dania Beach, specifically near the Dania Beach Pier, and I found it to be by far the most wheelchair friendly beach in Florida yet. Here is a video of me using my lever drive chair to go directly from the parking lot to near the water. Completely flat the entire way!

After resting for a few minutes, I continued down towards the water to watch the wind surfers in action. Next time I’ll bring my wetsuit and try out the water myself.

Handicapped parking is free near the pier, but has self service kiosks for everyone else. Entrance to the pier itself is not free, but is only a few dollars for both observers and fishing. There were tons of people fishing so it looks like a great spot.

Wild dolphins in the Indian River


I did some fishing with my dad today. We went to the pier at the far end of the bridge over the Indian River in Melbourne Beach, Florida. We did not get any bites, but it didn’t matter, because we saw wild dolphins for the very first time!

After 25 years in Florida, I can now confirm that they exist outside of Sea World!

It was also a great place to test out my newest GoPro camera attachment. This time I put it on my FreeWheel, a great little wheelchair toy that attaches to the front of your chair and lifts the front caster wheels off the ground. It turns any wheelchair into a three wheel stabilized offroad chair. The FreeWheel is awesome because it is very light weight, easy to travel with, and let’s me go in the grass, dirt roads, and even tightly packed sand.


It also makes a great camera location for stable filming. I’m planning some trips to Miami, Clearwater, and San Francisco (!) for later this year and I’m excited to throw my FreeWheel into my bag and take it with me.

My first GoPro video

Here is my very first GoPro video. I attached the camera on the front of my Dragonfly handcycle. I still have one of the original three speed Dragonfly’s and it’s still my favorite wheelchair attachment toy. It’s always fun, gets me a lot of compliments, and best of all let’s me go at a fast speed without having to even transfer out of my chair.


I took my gear over to Lake Nona, Florida, a classic riding spot for me. It’s near my home and work, with a beautiful bike trail that goes several miles through the area sounding the Orlando Airport. The trail even features accessible water fountains (accessible for both wheelchair users and dogs!) and complimentary air pumps. Parking is easy as the trail starts at a small commercial area that has a Panera, a Union Burger (Canadian burger chain that serves poutine), a pizza joint, and a frozen yogurt shop, among other businesses.

Lake Nona itself is an upscale community and a future biotech hub. There are some beautiful houses and people are always friendly.

My first video is rather uneventful, but it gives you an eye-level view of what riding my handcycle is like.